VIVA! 2022 Annual General Assembly

Tuesday, October 17, 2022 at 7 pm
The meeting will take place online, via Zoom. 
Facebook event

VIVA! has been gradually resuming its activities Since the beginning of the calendar year. This includes microprogramming initiatives, and the first steps towards the development of a next major event, scheduled for 2023. To learn more, the VIVA! Art Action board invites you to join us for our AGM, which will conclude with a varia point dedicated action.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Download the agenda (french only)
Download the minutes of the September 20th 2020 annual general assembly (french only)
Download the 2021-2022 financial statements (french only)

To participate in the meeting, please use this link:
Meeting ID: 848 9632 1800
Secret access code: 087313

If you are not yet familiar with the digital platform Zoom, here is a link to a video that explains how to participate in the meeting. You can also request support by emailing